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bom kimia bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "bom kimia"
  • bom:    bomb; bombs; bombing; turkey; bombardment; bomb
  • kimia:    chemical; chemistry; chemic; chemical substance;
  • bom:    bomb; bombs; bombing; turkey; bombardment; bomb calorimeter; mine; dud; bombshell
  • kimia:    chemical; chemistry; chemic; chemical substance; chemical science
  • bom bom boat:    bumper boats
  • bom bom car:    dodgem; bumper car
  • bom bom kar:    bumper cars
  • bom aerosol:    aerosol bomb; aerosol
  • bom api:    firebomb
  • bom asap:    smoke bomb
  • bom atom:    abomb; atomic bomb; atomic-bomb; a-bomb; atom bomb; atom bomb, atomic bomb; fission bomb; blockbuster; plutonium bomb; nuclear bomb
  • bom bakar:    incendiary
  • bom bali:    bali bombings
  • bom dsb.:    shrapnel
  • bom gay:    gay bomb
  • They could've at least tried to hide this chemical bomb.
    Mereka bisa menyembunyikan bom kimia ini.
  • I think it's some kind of chemical bomb.
    Saya pikir ini semacam bom kimia.
  • That's nuclear-biologicalN- chemical protective suits.
    Yaitu pakaian pelindung dari bom kimia biologi nuklir.
  • Ingredients for a chemical bomb?
    Bahan untuk membuat bom kimia?
  • It focuses on a group of Kurdish refugees after the chemical bombing of Halabja by Saddam Hussein's Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War.
    Bercerita tentang sekelompok pengungsi Kurdi setelah terjadi ledakan bom kimia di Halabja oleh Saddam Hussein semasa Perang Iran-Irak.
  • Chemical. This category of aviation bombs include ammunition filled with chemical poisonous substances. Chemical bombs have never been used on a large scale.
    Kimia Kategori bom penerbangan ini termasuk amunisi yang diisi dengan zat beracun kimia. Bom kimia tidak pernah digunakan dalam skala besar.
  • And likely that he was planning to develop weapons on the basis of 4000 tons of force in order to increase toxicity and failure of defense... the latest type of chemical bombs.
    Tingkat probabilitas pengembangan senjata kali ini adalah atas dasar 4000 ton kekuatan senjata meningkatkan daya racun dan kegagalan pertahanan. Bom kimia jenis terbaru.